It is a special version of the Document Managment Software based on the Open AlFresco platform for managing documents in the process of distributing and collecting postal items and other documents and their electronic translation.
The project was designed for HBIS Group Iron & Steel d.o.o Serbia based on their specific requirements.
The application processes the complete postal communication with the company's clients through the internal Office in such a way that each received/sent consignment / document is digitized and thus delivered to the final destination internaly or externaly.
Over 1000 inbound and 500 outbound and internal documents are processed daily with complete digitization and storaging on the local e-Archive.
There are several Work Flows built for document’s processing with user’s rights and obligations for validation. A separate segment of the application processes financial documents with levels of delegation and validition. Inbound and outbound company emails are also processed where each document received or sent by e-mail is processed and stored separately.
More information about our DMS software you can find on the following link:
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